Trip to Japan Dec 2000 - Jan 2001

Me & beer
Me looking forward to a well-deserved beer in Shin Sekai.
This place specialised in Tempura, so we had to go wild!

Me & bulgogi
Me _really_ enjoying the bulgogi at a local Korean BBQ place in Amagasaki.

Kyoko & bulgogi
Now Kyoko _really_ enjoying the bulgogi at a local Korean BBQ place in Amagasaki.

Me & sushi
Me _really_ enjoying the sushi at the local sushi place in Amagasaki.
I call them the 'Sushi Tensai' (Sushi Genius), and their range and quality
is unbelievable; and unavailable in Australia.

Me @ Spaworld
Me saying a nice 'goodbye' to Spa World in Shin Sekai the best way I know how,
with 2 fingers!
This was after I'd been kicked out for having tattoos!
They never noticed the previous year...

Back to Page 1 (Our Wedding p1)

Back to Page 2 (Our Wedding p2)

Back to Page 3 (Dazz's Bucks night)

Back to Page 4 (Kyoko's Hens night)

Back to Page 5 (Karate Grading 2000)

Back to Page 6 (More Karate Grading 2000)

Back to Page 7 (Vietnamese Honeymoon Sept 2000 p1)

Back to Page 8 (Vietnamese Honeymoon Sept 2000 p2)

Back to Page 9 (More Vietnamese Honeymoon Sept 2000 p3)

Back to Page 10 (Japan Trip #2 Jan 2001 p1)

On to Page 12 (Japan Trip #2 Jan 2001 p3)

On to Page 13 (Karate Black Belt Grading 2001)

On to Page 14 (Japan Trip #1 Jan 2000 p1)

On to Page 15 (Japan Trip #1 Jan 2000 p2)

On to Page 16 (Japan Trip #1 Jan 2000 p3)

Go to Tigger's website!

More to come!

* References are to the Lonely Planet 'Japan' book 7th Ed Oct 2000
06/11/01 © Email DazMon
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